Finally we spark a light again.
Give me $1,000,000
I would not exchange anything for that smile.
I wish I could capture that moment on a piece of photo, but don't forget that I already put that special shot on my processor's background.
It is a perfect gift for the upcoming Spring. Thanks to her for that smile, which is as far as 1,110 miles away, and at the same time, as close as my mind, heart and soul.
My mind digested that moment so well that the signals to my heart are now delivered everyday. It is more like my daily combination of vitamins, and I thank Allah to sacrifice that special moment after all the struggle.
My soul is left right in front of her office door. It will ring the bell forever, but the secretary will not hear the sound, however "Hayati" will be there, as a matter of fact, I just spoke to him, and he is mesmerized with the smell (of her passing by in the morning, lunch break, and after-work), and I very much agree with him.
You can take a look at her picture, and confirm her beauty.
You can make a short phone call, and realize how much she "hates" me.
But, you can't smell her presence, unless she is right next to you.
She is right, and I am left.
It was the opposite a few years ago.
Now, I write, and very close to end our fight.
Our fight with life.
Our fight with past.
Our fight with the future.
Imagine a starfish, millions of them, lying on the beach, and soon the sun will be rising.
Guess what? All of them will be dead. They all need water, and the ocean is just too shy.
I was about to experience the death with a continuous hope to survive with a single touch of the ocean.
There comes a raindrop, and I felt it all over. Indeed, it will not last forever, and I will need her to come alive. This time it is not gonna be her tears. It is the time for joy, and celebrating the victory of our patience.
Still one of those patients are in line, and setting up an appointment to see her - Frau Doctor.
She is busy, having meetings, such and such..But, the light is gonna pop and will show all colors of us. The spectrum is getting broader, and when it fills up the distance between us, we will be together.
Continue to smile, because we need a long life to make up for the time we lost behind!
Smile, because there are "balacas" (kids) on the way to drive.