I strongly recommend Google Desktop (you should really download this nice application, although it is not the best, I would like to see RSS feeds on this application, but well, maybe in the future), if you use a personal computer at home, or at work. It is a great way to receive instant news on your screen. Like this:
Back to the topic, I stumble upon an article in PC World (thanks to G-Desktop)
By the way, we have all that iLife;
iMac, iPod, iPhone, iBlaBla...
There is also a way of G-Life;
Gmail, GTalk, G-Bookmark, etc.
Leave the i alone, go for the G :-)
Back to the topic;
eBay sellers say that eBay focus more on auction format sales, so sellers complains that eBay is "hiding store owners and their merchandise, making it harder for buyers to find them."
eBay says, they are focusing on a new technology called Finding 2.0 (sounds like Web 2.0)
After hearing about a new word, what do we do?
Google it!
Check this article out from ZDNet, they are pretty reliable.
eBay says, "With Finding 2.0, eBay wants to improve the relevance of search results without sacrificing what Durzy calls "serendipity," which eBay considers a key ingredient of the eBay experience: stumbling upon a product that happily surprises you."
One thing interesting about eBay, some sellers can easily "maintain a minimal presence on eBay to drive traffic to her own store."
Are you listening to online radio? If you like electronic music, I would suggest Proton Radio and Dinamo Fm.
Take care now,
P.S: Please try to visit my affiliates (banner ads) to support my blog.
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