Expect the unexpected, follow the lovers lost in this blog.

A blog to cater your mind,body,and soul as you drink Turkish Coffee. We are proud to present our new storyline called Cafe's search for his "Zahir". Everyday is a new day for the "Cafe" (from Istanbul) & his journey for "Zahir" (from Baku). Don't expect extraordinary drama from the narrator, me. Still, this is a drama (maybe real!), and have better impact on you than watching a soap opera. Guaranteed. There is genuine feelings within inspirational periods. Cross your fingers for this story to end with happy marriage :-) All rights are reserved.

EDIT (01 July 2009) - She is engaged with another man, and I finally made my marriage proposal bringing my family to Baku. The result: She stays engaged and will have her wedding, so called "toy", with that another man.

Rest in peace Ms. Zahir.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Global Compact Leaders Summit at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland 5 - 6 July 2007

The Global Compact Leaders Summit took place on 5th and 6th July. It is a little bit late notice, but I wanted to share two important videos recorded during the meeting. You can find all the videos on UN webcast page.

A tiny bit information about the gathering:
"The Global Compact Leaders Summit will be an historic gathering of approximately 1,000 top executives of participating companies, heads of international labour, civil society and United Nations agencies, in addition to select government officials. Participants will reflect the composition and regional distribution of the various stakeholder groups within the Compact."

The president of Corporate Communication and Information Technology Group at Koc Holding AS, Ali Koc, gave a very effective speech during the Plenary meetings.
His quote from Jim Collins's Good to Great book was very relevant. He said that greatness is not a function of circumstances, it is a result of conscious choice and discipline.

Also, I would suggest Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Coca-Cola Company, Mr. E. Neville Isdell's speech. He focused on more political dilemmas like "conflict on resources costing lives." He also said "the global population continues to grow mainly of course in places that are less able to support additional inhabitants." He gave worthy note on the importance of water resources and global climate change.

As a result, I would highly recommend Mr. Isdell's video. And, I highly appreciate the talks, but everybody needs to walk the talk.

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